Just over 2 years ago, IM-Creator became one of the first HTML5 website builders released to the market. Today they are one of the leaders in providing users a solid and beautiful platform to build websites with. The IM-Creator team works hard to differentiate themselves from others by creating unique templates that leave an impression but are also very user friendly. They have a large pool of templates that is growing every month. Many of the templates are specially designed for the visual arts like photography, artists, design, etc. You can see some of the sites built with IM-Creator here: imcreator.com/featured
How does their process work?
Step 1 – Choose a Design: each month IM-Creator publishes dozens of new templates to accommodate your needs: portfolio websites for designers, photographers and artists, websites for business professionals, websites for restaurants and more. Check out their catalog and choose the design that will fit you best. All templates are wisely-structured and come with compelling and relevant content, so they're pretty close to completion. IM-Creator’s goal is to provide you an "almost-done" site.
Step 2 – Customize: after selecting a design, you can start inserting your content – text, pictures, videos etc. It's all very simple. Just click on the element you wish to edit and insert your content. IM-Creator will then adapt your content to the existing design, hassle-free for you.
All of our designs come with suggested structure and pages. However, you can always change it as you wish and add/delete pages. Simple and flexible. If you encounter any issues when you create your site, click on the "support" tab and the IM-Creator support team and community will be there to assist you.
Step 3 – Publish: once you finished creating your website, you can connect it to your existing domain or purchase a new one. It's a fast & easy process and at the end you'll have a live, easy to update and Google-friendly website (you can even have your own email!).
Start now, creating a website is free with IM-Creator.
*Download our free photography app for iPhone and iPad*
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