deviantART News: Boo! Happy Halloween

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deviantART Newsletter, Volume 25   |   View Online
October 2013 deviantART News Volume 25
  EDITORIAL   It's October, and the sacred 31 days of Halloween are upon us. It is time to get your gore on! There's a chill in the air, there are leaves on the ground, and Halloween candy has been out since Labor Day. So while you're waiting in line at your local coffee shop for an overpriced Double Pumpkin Spice Whatever, pass the time with this year's movies reviews!
Evil Dead »   |   Texas Chainsaw 3D »   |   MAMA »   |   Insidious »
The Future Of Surrealism
The future of
surrealism in the arts
is at an exciting
crossroads. Early
surrealists proposed
that madness held
sway just beneath the
surface of everyday
rationality. Will
surrealist images, like
those in sci-fi movies,
point to a new way

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New Username Symbols
  NEW FEATURE   Over the years, as we've surveyed deviants, we've found that very few understood our symbols. As part of our ongoing process to make our user experience cleaner and more intuitive, we've launched a new set of username symbols designed to help easily identify deviant-types. Learn Now »
Deviant & Art Mentions
  NEW FEATURE   We're proud to announce the
launch of Mentions, a new, highly requested
feature that notifies you when your username or
deviations are featured by other deviants!
Additionally, you can now link to deviants using
the @ symbol!
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Autodesk SketchBook
  ART FEATURE   If you haven't had the chance
to check out Autodesk's Drawtober event, now is
the time to do it! Join in on all the fun and put
your skills to the test while you're at it. There's a
new challenge every day, so be creative!

Learn More »



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