Photography Blogger: A Magical World – Tiny Trades by Yann Pendariès

Photography Blogger
A Source of Photography Inspiration
A Magical World – Tiny Trades by Yann Pendariès
May 21st 2013, 17:19

Yann Pendariès is a professional French photographer who has been taking pictures since age 11. In an interview with (found here), Yann says his hope is to “immerse the viewer in an idyllic world where dreams and poetry make you forget the worries of life.” For his Tiny Trades series he uses self-portraits to weave a magical world where a little man adds seeds to strawberries and hangs the moon each night.  The purpose being that you “discover the beauty of simple things around you and afterwards you don't look the same way at these small things in life.”

You can find more of Yann’s work at his website or etsy shop.

strawberry  tiny trades

Le graineur de fraises (the strawberry seed-sticker)

clock tiny trades

Le sonneur de matin (The morning ringer)

thread tiny trades

L’équilibriste (The equilibrist)

easter egg tiny trades

Le peintre de Pâques (The Easter painter)

matches tiny trades

Le peintre d’allumettes (The matchstick painter)

lemon  tiny trades

Le repêcheur de pépins (The seed gatherer)

leaf tiny trades

Le découpeur de feuilles (The leave cutter)

camera tiny trades

Le nettoyeur de lentille (The lens cleaner)

sewing machine tiny trades

Le passeur de fil (The threader)

kiwi tiny trades

Le coiffeur de kiwi (The kiwi hairdresser)

moon tiny trades

Le décrocheur de lune (The moon changer)

pumpkin tiny trades

Le gonfleur de citrouille (The pumpkin inflater)

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