SantaBanta Universal Jokes

SantaBanta Universal Jokes

SantaBanta Universal Humour for March 14, 2014

Posted: 13 Mar 2014 11:30 AM PDT

Too Drunk to Drive?

Too Drunk to Drive?

T20 Format in Exams...

Cricket is getting excited day by day with the introduction of IPL and T20...

Same rules should be applied in Exams too!

1. Exams Timing Should Be Reduced To One Hour.

2. Power Play - No Invigilator In Exam Hall For 1st 15 mins.

3. Cheer Leaders - To Dance After Every Right Answer Written.

4. Strategic Time-Out - Time For Students For Discussion.

5. Super Over - Chance For Students To Form Their Own Question.

Best wishes & best of luck for exams.

Wife Calls Hubby...

Wife: Khana kha liya?

Husband: Khana kha liya?

Wife: Batao na.

Husband: Batao na.

Wife: Pleaseee... batao na.

Husband: Pleaseee..... batao na.

Wife: Achcha ji! Meri naqal?

Husband: Achcha ji! Meri naqal?

Wife: I Love U!!!

Husband: Haan yaar, khana kha liya maine...

राजनीती का सबक़!

नेता का बेटा अपने पिता से बोला, "पापा मुझे भी राजनीति में आना हैं, मुझे कुछ टिप्स दो।"

नेता: बेटा, राजनीति के तीन कठोर नियम होते हैं। चलो सबसे पहले मैं तुम्हें पहला और सबसे अहम नियम समझाता हूँ। यह कहकर नेता जी ने बेटे को छत पर भेज दिया और ख़ुद नीचे आकर खड़ा हो गया।

नेता जी: छत से नीचे कूद जाओ।

बेटा: पापा, इतनी ऊंचाई से कुदूंगा तो हाथ पैर टूट जायेंगे।

नेता जी: बेझिझक कूद जा, मैं हूँ ना, पकड़ लूँगा।

लड़के ने हिम्मत की और कूद गया, पर नेताजी नीचे से हट गए।

बेटा धड़ाम से औंधे मुंह गिरा और कराहते हुए बोला, "आपने तो कहा था मुझे पकड़ोगे, फिर हट क्यों गए?"

नेता जी: ये है पहला सबक, "राजनीति में अपने बाप का भी भरोसा मत करो।"

Picture SMS

Sweden recycles so well that it has run out of garbage and now must import garbage from Norway to fuel its energy programs.

Sweden recycles so well that it has run out of garbage and now must import garbage from Norway to fuel its energy programs.

Be independent of the good opinion of other people.

Be independent of the good opinion of other people.

Jeeto: What is 10 years with me?<br/>  Santa: A second.<br/>  Jeeto: What is $1000 for me?<br/>  Santa: A coin.<br/>  Jeeto: Ok give me a coin.<br/>  Santa: Wait a second!

Jeeto: What is 10 years with me?
Santa: A second.
Jeeto: What is $1000 for me?
Santa: A coin.
Jeeto: Ok give me a coin.
Santa: Wait a second!

Clean SMS

Boy: If you keep looking at me like that I'm going to kiss you.
Girl: Well, hurry up, I can't hold this expression much longer!

Jeeto: What is 10 years with me?
Santa: A second.
Jeeto: What is $1000 for me?
Santa: A coin.
Jeeto: Ok give me a coin.
Santa: Wait a second!

Zindgi To Bar-Bar Miligi.
Kabhi Iss Bar Mein, To Kabhi Uss Bar Mein!

Hindi SMS

टीचर पप्पू से: ब्लड(Blood) आपके दिमाग तक कैसे पहुँचता है?
पप्पू: सिंपल, खाली जगह हमेशा सबसे पहले भर जाती है।

पत्नी: हमारी पड़ोसन हर महीने अपने पति के साथ घूमने जाती है। आप भी कभी ले जाया करो।
पति: मैंने तीन चार बार कहा है, लेकिन वो मानती ही नहीं।

ऊँठ की बैठक, हिरन की चाल;
बताओ कौन है वो पहलवान?


Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, became the first First Lady to hold her own press conferences. For her first press conference in 1933, Roosevelt had one simple rule: Only female reporters would be allowed to attend.
Roosevelt established this rule to ensure that newspapers would have to hire more female journalists.

Sweden recycles so well that it has run out of garbage and now must import garbage from Norway to fuel its energy programs.

In Thailand, it is illegal to insult or accuse the king in any way. One can even face jail time for insulting a deceased king.


Be independent of the good opinion of other people.

Not prayer without faith, nor faith without prayer, but prayer in faith, is the cost of spiritual gifts and graces.

Some people are worth melting for.



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