SantaBanta Universal Humour for July 17, 2014 Posted: 16 Jul 2014 11:30 AM PDT A travelling salesman's car breaks down on a deserted road, and he seeks refuge from the evening storm at a nearby farmhouse.
The farmer, being a kindly soul, says to the man that he can spend the night and they'll sort his car out in the morning.
"There's only one small problem," says the farmer, "We don't have much room, so y'all will have to either sleep on the couch, or share the spare bedroom with Baby."
Thoughts of middle-of-the-night crying, early-morning nappy changing and all those other unpleasant things that come with sharing a room with a strange baby spring to mind, so the salesman agrees to sleep on the couch.
The next morning, he walks into the kitchen in the hopes of scoring some breakfast, and he sees this absolutely stunning, hot blonde busy making coffee. She turns around when he walks in and coos, "Hi, I'm Baby, who are you?"
He replies, "I'm the stupid salesman who just spent the whole of last night alone on the couch!!" | | शाह रुख खान ने तो फिल्मों में प्यार की हद ही कर दी:
कुछ-कुछ होता है: दोस्त से प्यार
मोहब्बतें: प्रिंसिपल की बेटी से प्यार
कल हो न हो: पडोसी की बेटी से प्यार
बाज़ीगर: दुश्मन की बेटी से प्यार
परदेस: दोस्त की मंगेतर से प्यार
दिल से: आतंकवादी से प्यार
मैं हूँ ना: टीचर से प्यार
चेन्नई एक्सप्रेस: डॉन की बेटी से प्यार
कभी अलविदा न कहना: दूसरों की बीवी से प्यार
और रब ने बना दी जोड़ी में तो गज़ब ही कर दिया
अपनी ही बीवी से प्यार। | | | | | Teacher: What is attention deficit hyperactive disorder? Pappu: Jimbalakadi Bambalu. Teacher: What? Sorry, I didn't understand you? Pappu:: Same here, Sir! | | | | | | When destiny forgets to tie some people in blood relations, it corrects it's mistake by making them true friends! | | | | | | One marriage in every six ends in divorce; But the other five couples fight it out to the bitter end! | | | | | Teacher: What is attention deficit hyperactive disorder? Pappu: Jimbalakadi Bambalu. Teacher: What? Sorry, I didn't understand you? Pappu:: Same here, Sir! |  | | | This message contains a virus that effects the brain. . . . . . . You're damn lucky. This virus couldn't effect you as it couldn't find it! |  | | | When destiny forgets to tie some people in blood relations, it corrects it's mistake by making them true friends! |  | | | एक तरफ तो इतने IIT खोल दिए और दूसरी तरफ सिगरेट महंगे कर दिए। घोर कलयुग आ गया है... . . . . . . अब क्या इंजीनियर बादाम खा कर पढाई करेंगे? |  | | | माना कि तेरी नज़र में कुछ भी नहीं हूँ मैं; . . . . . . . . . मेरी अहमियत उनसे पूछना जिनके मैंने पैसे देने हैं। |  | | | हर सजदा आपका मंज़ूर-ए-खुदा हो जाये; आपकी दुआओं पर रब की रज़ा हो जाये; करते हैं हम भी दुआ इस महे रमज़ान में; कि आपकी ज़िंदगी से लफ़्ज़-ए-ग़म फ़ना हो जाये। रमज़ान मुबारक़ |  | | | If you can bring your consciousness, your awareness, your intelligence to the act, if you can be spontaneous, then there is no need for any other religion, life itself will be the religion. |  | | | We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy. |  | | | Every one says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until they have something to forgive. |  | | |
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