SantaBanta Universal Jokes

SantaBanta Universal Jokes

SantaBanta Universal Humour for February 17, 2017

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:30 AM PST

Rock & Rule!

Rock & Rule!

Late Night Party

A teenage girl had just been given family-car privileges, when she returned home very late from a party.

The next morning her father went out to the driveway to get the newspaper and came back into the house frowning.

At 11:30am the girl sleepily walked into the kitchen, and her father asked her, "What time did you get in last night?"

"Not too late, Dad," she replied nervously.

Dead-pan, her father said, "Then I'll have to talk with the paperboy about putting my paper under the front wheel of the car."

Picture SMS

Marriage is supposed to be permanent. It's like a tattoo that yells at you!

Marriage is supposed to be permanent. It's like a tattoo that yells at you!

Girl: I like your hair. Did you get it cut?<br />  Boy: I washed it.<br />  Girl: But it looks really different.<br />  Boy: Yeah I used water this time!

Girl: I like your hair. Did you get it cut?
Boy: I washed it.
Girl: But it looks really different.
Boy: Yeah I used water this time!

Be careful in what you desire.<br />  Sasikala wanted a 4-year term & she got it.<br />  Life has a very strange way of granting one's desires!

Be careful in what you desire.
Sasikala wanted a 4-year term & she got it.
Life has a very strange way of granting one's desires!

Clean SMS

Marriage is supposed to be permanent. It's like a tattoo that yells at you!

Girl: I like your hair. Did you get it cut?
Boy: I washed it.
Girl: But it looks really different.
Boy: Yeah I used water this time!

Be careful in what you desire.
Sasikala wanted a 4-year term & she got it.
Life has a very strange way of granting one's desires!

Hindi SMS

आज का परम ज्ञान:
जो दुखी है उसे ठेस न पहुँचाओ, बल्कि ठेके तक पहुँचाओ।

दो दोस्तों में बहस हो रही थी।
पहला दोस्त: मेरे दादा जी इतने अमीर और इतने भुलक्कड़ थे, कि लाठी बिस्तर पे रखते और खुद कोने में सो जाते थे।
दूसरा दोस्त: अबे ये तो कुछ भी नहीं, मेरे दादा जी इतने भुलक्क्ड़ थे कि, पान बिस्तर पे थूकते और खुद खिड़की से नीचे कूद जाते थे।

ख़ुशी और अफ़सोस की मिक्स फीलिंग तब आती है जब...
स्कूल में साथ पढ़ी हुई लड़की बोल दे कि मैं उन दिनों तुमको बहुत पसंद करती थी।



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