SantaBanta Universal Jokes

SantaBanta Universal Jokes

SantaBanta Universal Humour for August 13, 2014

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 11:30 AM PDT

Crossed Eyed Bull

Farmer Brown, from Minnesota, had a bull that he was quite proud of. One day he looked at the bull and noticed his eyes were crossed. That was disconcerting, because he knew he couldn't get huge stud fees for a defective bull. He called the local vet who came right over. The vet assured him he could solve the problem.

"Farmer Brown, you stand in front of the bull and watch his eyes. I will insert this straw into the bull's rectum and blow. When the eyes uncross, yell stop."

The vet did just that, and sure enough after a few minutes of blowing, the eyes uncrossed. Farmer Brown was thrilled. Several months pass and again he sees the eyes cross.

He says to himself, "I better call the vet. No, wait a minute. Last time I called the vet, he charged me $250.00 for something that only took a few moments. I will do it myself."

He went to the barn and called his trusty farm hand, Luke.

"Luke, we have a problem here and this is what I want you to do. I will put this straw in the rear of my bull and blow. You watch his eyes, and when they uncross, tell me and I will stop blowing."

Farmer Brown started blowing and blowing and nothing happened.

Finally, he said, "You know, maybe I am not strong enough, Luke. Lets trade positions and you blow and I will watch."

Luke went over to the bull, pulled out the straw, turned it around and reinserted it.

"What the hell are you doing, Luke?" says Farmer Brown.

"What do you think? I ain't blowing on the same end that you did!"

नेताओं का विश्वास!

नेताओं से भरी एक बस जा रही थी अचानक बस सड़क से नीचे उतरकर खेत में एक पेड़ से जा टकराई।

खेत मालिक दौड़ता हुआ आया सब कुछ देखकर उसने एक गढ्ढा खोदना शुरू किया और फिर उसमें नेताओं को दफना दिया।

कुछ दिन बाद पुलिस को बस के एक्सीडेंट के बारे में पता लगा पुलिस ने किसान से पूछा कि सारे नेता कहां गए?

आदमी ने बताया कि उसने सभी को दफना दिया है पुलिस ने पूछा, सब मर गए थे क्या?

आदमी बोला, "नही, कुछ कह रहे थे कि वे नही मरे, पर आप तो जानते ही हैं कि ये नेता झूठ कितना बोलते हैं। अब उनकी बात का विश्वास नहीं किया जा सकता न?"

Picture SMS

Bhagat Singh<br />  Shivaram Rajguru<br />  Sukhdev Thapar<br />  Chandra Shekhar Azad<br />  Subhash Chandra Bose<br />  Shaheed Udham Singh<br />  Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha<br />  And Thousands more...<br />  Isn't their sacrifice reason enough to preserve and protect our freedom by fighting corruption, nepotism and crime against women & children.<br />  Happy Independence Day!

Bhagat Singh
Shivaram Rajguru
Sukhdev Thapar
Chandra Shekhar Azad
Subhash Chandra Bose
Shaheed Udham Singh
Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha
And Thousands more...
Isn't their sacrifice reason enough to preserve and protect our freedom by fighting corruption, nepotism and crime against women & children.
Happy Independence Day!

Freedom is a state of mind. And my mind says I am independent till the time my wife has gone to her parents'.<br />  May there be such long weekends every month!<br />  Happy 15 August!

Freedom is a state of mind. And my mind says I am independent till the time my wife has gone to her parents'.
May there be such long weekends every month!
Happy 15 August!

Heroes must see to their own fame. No one else will.

Heroes must see to their own fame. No one else will.

Clean SMS

Bhagat Singh
Shivaram Rajguru
Sukhdev Thapar
Chandra Shekhar Azad
Subhash Chandra Bose
Shaheed Udham Singh
Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha
And Thousands more...
Isn't their sacrifice reason enough to preserve and protect our freedom by fighting corruption, nepotism and crime against women & children.
Happy Independence Day!

The world is full of foolish people who answer everything in No.
Are you also the one?

Freedom is a state of mind. And my mind says I am independent till the time my wife has gone to her parents'.
May there be such long weekends every month!
Happy 15 August!

Hindi SMS

दो तरह की लड़कियों के पीछे मत भागो।
एक तो जिनके पीछे मैं हूँ, क्योंकि वो तुमसे कभी नहीं पटेंगी।
दूसरी जिनके पीछे मैं नहीं हूँ, वो मुझसे नहीं पटी तो, तुमसे क्या पटेंगी।

बंता: यार संता, मैंने तुम्हें लैटर पर चिपकने के लिए टिकट खरीदने के लिए पैसे दिए थे। फिर तू ये पैसे मुझे वापस क्यों कर रहा है?
संता: ओ यार, मैं जब लैटर पोस्ट करने पोस्ट बॉक्स पे गया तो वहाँ कोई था ही नहीं और किसी ने मुझे देखा ही नहीं कि मैंने बिना टिकट ही लैटर पोस्ट कर दिया।

एक जिंदगी और मांगते हैं ऊपरवाले से;
क्योंकि ये वाली तो WhatsApp में कट जानी है।


Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

Heroes must see to their own fame. No one else will.

Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.



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