SantaBanta Universal Jokes

SantaBanta Universal Jokes

SantaBanta Universal Humour for November 4, 2016

Posted: 03 Nov 2016 11:30 AM PDT

A Date with Death

A Date with Death
You heard it wrong man! I`m not Deaf...

Switch It On

This fellow is looking to buy a saw to cut down some trees in his back yard. He goes to a chainsaw shop and asks about various chainsaws.

The dealer tells him, "Look, I have a lot of models, but why don't you save yourself a lot of time and aggravation and get the top-of-the-line model. This chainsaw will cut a hundred cords of wood for you in one day."

So, the man takes the chainsaw home and begins working on the trees. After cutting for several hours and only cutting two cords, he decides to quit. He thinks there is something wrong with the chainsaw.

"How can I cut for hours and only cut two cords?" the man asks himself. "I will begin first thing in the morning and cut all day," the man tells himself.

So, the next morning the man gets up at 4 am in the morning and cuts and cuts, and cuts till nightfall, and still he only manages to cut five cords. The man is convinced this is a bad saw.

"The dealer told me it would cut one hundred cords of wood in a day, no problem. I will take this saw back to the dealer," the man says to himself.

The very next day the man brings the saw back to the dealer and explains the problem. The dealer, baffled by the man's claim, removes the chainsaw from the case. The dealer says, "Hmm, it looks fine."
Then the dealer starts the chainsaw, to which the man responds, "What's that noise?

फ़ीस माफ़ी की अर्ज़ी!

सेवा में,
श्री मान प्रधानाचार्य
राजकीय उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय

विषय: फ़ीस माफ़ी हेतु।


उपरोक्त विषय में आप से निवेदन है कि कल मैं घर से फ़ीस के लिए 500 ₹ ले कर निकला था, मगर रास्ते में मेरी गर्लफ्रेंड मिल गई तो उसे पिज्ज़ा हट ले जाना पड़ा। वहाँ वो 500 ₹ खर्चा हो गए।

वहीं मैंने देखा आप भी पूजा मैडम को अपने हाथ से पिज्जा खिला रहे थे जिसका वीडियो साथ संलग्न कर रहा हूँ।

आगे आप खुद समझदार हैं।

मेरी फीस माफ या आपका पर्दा फाश।

आपका आज्ञाकारी छात्र

Picture SMS

सो कर उठने वाले लोग या तो खूबसूरत दिखते हैं या फिर अजीब से।<br/>  सिर्फ टकले ही ऐसे हैं जो सोने से पहले और सो कर उठने के बाद भी एक जैसे दिखते हैं।

सो कर उठने वाले लोग या तो खूबसूरत दिखते हैं या फिर अजीब से।
सिर्फ टकले ही ऐसे हैं जो सोने से पहले और सो कर उठने के बाद भी एक जैसे दिखते हैं।

Cutting down on Rajma Chawal and Mooli Ke Paranthe might bring down air pollution by 50 percent in Delhi!

Cutting down on Rajma Chawal and Mooli Ke Paranthe might bring down air pollution by 50 percent in Delhi!

I wear the pants in our relationship but my wife tells me which ones to wear!

I wear the pants in our relationship but my wife tells me which ones to wear!

Clean SMS

Cutting down on Rajma Chawal and Mooli Ke Paranthe might bring down air pollution by 50 percent in Delhi!

I wear the pants in our relationship but my wife tells me which ones to wear!

The biggest problem Indians face with open kitchens is that they don't know where to hang that one big bag filled with small plastic bags!

Hindi SMS

सो कर उठने वाले लोग या तो खूबसूरत दिखते हैं या फिर अजीब से।
सिर्फ टकले ही ऐसे हैं जो सोने से पहले और सो कर उठने के बाद भी एक जैसे दिखते हैं।

इंसान की अदभुत इच्छा:
पत्नी अच्छी एवं संस्कारी होनी चाहिए और पड़ोसन खुले विचारों की।

ट्रेन में सोते हुए आदमी को अगर अगवा करके ले जाने वाले थप्पड़ मारकर भी उठा दें तो भी वो उठते ही
"कौन सा स्टेशन आ गया" ही कहेगा।


There are people you will see your whole life but never really know them. Others, you will know is an instant.

Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart.



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